How To Remove Haze From Engineered Hardwood Floors? (Guide)

Have you ever noticed how your engineered hardwood floors start to lose their luster? Haze, a by-product of UV light and cleaning chemicals, can cause scratches and dull the appearance of your floors.

If you live in a humid climate, it’s inevitable that your hardwood floors will start to look cloudy. Haze is a result of the wood absorbing water and dirt from spills and footprints.

The good news is that you don’t have to purchase a whole new flooring just because there’s some haze on it. There are a few steps you should take to remove the haze from your flooring so that it looks as great as when it was first installed!

What is Engineered Hardwood Floor

Many people think that engineered hardwood floors are made from pieces of wood that have been left over from other projects. However, this is not the case.

Engineered hardwood floors are actually made from a variety of materials, including plywood, particle board, and even plastic. The wood is then bonded together with adhesives and finished with a veneer.

This veneer can be made from a variety of materials, including hardwood, laminate, or vinyl. As a result, engineered hardwood floors are extremely strong and durable. They are also less likely to warp or crack than traditional hardwood floors.

What is a Hazy Hardwood Floor?

A Hazy Hardwood Floor is a mysterious phenomenon that occurs when a hardwood floor becomes coated in a haze of dust, dirt, and grime.

While the exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown, it is believed to be caused by a combination of factors, including inadequate cleaning, poor ventilation, and irresponsible pet ownership.

Regardless of the cause, a Hazy Hardwood Floor can be extremely difficult to clean and restore to its original state. In some cases, the only solution is to replace the entire floor.

So if you’re thinking of opting for hardwood floors, be sure to consider the possible consequences of becoming the owner of a Hazy Hardwood Floor.

1. Using Ammonia

Materials Needed

  • Ammonia
  • Warm Water
  • Soft Cloth or Mop
  • Bucket
  • Gloves
  • Ventilation mask


Prepare Your Cleaning Solution: In a bucket, mix one cup of ammonia with a gallon of warm water. Always use gloves and a ventilation mask when handling ammonia due to its strong and potentially harmful fumes.

Test A Small Area: Before applying the solution to the entire floor, apply it to a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t damage the finish.

Apply the Solution: Dip a soft cloth or mop into the solution and wring it out so it’s damp, not soaking. Mop the floor in sections, working in the direction of the wood grain.

Dry the Floor: After cleaning with the ammonia solution, go over the floor with a dry, soft cloth to soak up any excess liquid. Let the floor air dry completely.

Check the Results: After the floor dries, check for any remaining haze. If necessary, repeat the process until the haze is completely gone.

2. Using Vinegar

Materials Needed

Before starting, gather all the necessary materials:

  • Soft cloth or mop
  • Vinegar
  • Warm water
  • Bucket
  • Hardwood floor cleaner (optional)

Step 1: Sweep or Vacuum the Floor

Firstly, remove surface dust and dirt particles by sweeping or vacuuming the floor. A microfiber mop or a vacuum with a hardwood floor setting is most suitable to avoid scratching the floor.

Step 2: Prepare a Vinegar Solution

Next, prepare a vinegar solution. Mix one cup of vinegar with one gallon of warm water in a bucket. Vinegar is a natural and safe cleaning agent that can effectively remove haze without damaging your floor.

Step 3: Mop the Floor

Dampen the mop or soft cloth with the vinegar solution. Wring it out well so it’s not dripping wet. Too much water can damage your floor. Mop the floor, following the grain of the wood to avoid streaks.

Step 4: Dry the Floor

After mopping, dry the floor thoroughly using a clean, dry mop or towel. This prevents any water from soaking into the wood and causing damage.

Step 5: Use a Hardwood Floor Cleaner (Optional)

If the haze is still visible, you might want to use a commercial hardwood floor cleaner. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

3. Using Steam Mop

Step 1: Prepare Your Steam Mop

Fill the water tank of your steam mop according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring not exceed the recommended limit and allow it to heat up.

Step 2: Clean the Floor Surface

Start by sweeping or vacuuming the floor to remove any loose dust and debris. This helps to prevent scratches on the surface of your beautiful engineered hardwood floor.

Step 3: Steam Mop Application

Now you are ready to use the steam mop. Move the mop smoothly across the floor, directing the steam towards the hazy areas. Be sure not to linger too long in one spot to prevent excessive moisture soaking into the wood.

Step 4: Dry the Floor

After you’ve gone over the entire floor area, use a microfiber cloth or mop to dry any leftover moisture on the floor. This step ensures that moisture doesn’t seep into the wood, causing damage or warping.

Step 5: Assess the Results

Once the floor has completely dried, assess the results. If the haze is still noticeable, you may need to repeat the process. Remember, it is important to balance the desire for a sparkling floor with the need to protect your floor from damage caused by excessive moisture.

Polish And Refinishing

Once the floor is completely dry, you can apply a hardwood floor polish to restore shine. Choose a polish designed for engineered hardwood floors for the best results.

Apply the polish following the manufacturer’s instructions, usually by spreading a thin layer evenly over the floor with a clean, soft cloth or mop.

Refinishing is a more drastic option, only necessary for deep scratches or stubborn haze that didn’t come off with cleaning and polishing. Professional refinishing involves sanding down the floor’s surface and then applying a new top coat.

However, remember that engineered floors can only be refinished a certain number of times as they have a thinner top layer compared to solid hardwood. Always consult with a professional before attempting this step.

Why does the Hardwood Floor Look Hazy?

There are a few common reasons for this, including:

Lack of Regular Maintenance

If you don’t regularly sweep and mop your hardwood floors, they will start to look hazy and dull. Dust, dirt, and grime can build up on the surface of the floor, making it appear less shiny.

Use of the Wrong Cleaning Products

If you use the wrong cleaning products on your hardwood floors, it can actually cause them to look hazy and dull.

For example, using a product that is too harsh can strip away the natural oils from the wood, making it look dry and lifeless.

Wax Build-Up

If you use wax on your hardwood floors, it can eventually build up and make them look hazy. The best way to avoid this is to use a high-quality wax that is designed specifically for hardwood floors.

Poor Air Circulation

If your home doesn’t have good air circulation, it can actually cause your hardwood floors to look hazy.

This is because dust and other airborne particles can settle on the surface of the floor, making it appear dull.

Sun Damage

If your hardwood floors are exposed to direct sunlight, it can cause them to fade and look hazy over time. To prevent this, make sure to keep your blinds or curtains drawn when the sun is shining directly on the floor.

By taking these steps, you can keep your hardwood floors looking shiny and new for years to come!

How to Prevent Hardwood Floor from Getting Hazy?

Anyone who’s ever had hardwood floors knows that they’re a pain to keep clean. No matter how often you sweep and mop, it seems like the dirt and dust just keep coming back.

And if you’re not careful, your hardwood floors can start to look hazy and dull.

But there are some things you can do to prevent your floors from getting dirty in the first place. Here are a few tips:

Keep your Feet Clean

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s really important to keep your feet clean if you want to prevent your floors from getting dirty.

That means taking off your shoes at the door and wearing socks or slippers around the house.

Use Door Mats

Placing door mats at every entrance to your home will help to trap dirt and debris before it has a chance to get on your floors.

Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is one of the best ways to remove dirt and dust from your floors. Be sure to vacuum with a soft brush attachment to avoid scratching the surface of your floors.

Place Rugs in High Traffic Areas

Rugs are great for protecting your floors from dirt and wear and tear. If you have hardwood floors in a high-traffic area, consider placing a rug in that space to help keep it clean.

Dust regularly

In addition to vacuuming, be sure to dust your floors on a regular basis. A microfiber cloth or duster can be used to gently remove dust from the surface of your floors.


So, those are four methods you can use to get the haze off of your engineered hardwood floors. We hope at least one of them works for you! If not, don’t hesitate to reach out and we would be happy to help.

In the meantime, please leave us a comment letting us know which method worked best for you or if you have any other questions. Thanks for reading!


How long will an engineered wood floor last?

Hardwood flooring is considered one of the most durable and long-lasting of all types of flooring. So, with proper care and maintenance, a hardwood floor can last up to 30 years.

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